National survey on sexual and reproductive health among Vietnamese young people

The development of adolescents and youth is always a matter of primary concern in Vietnam as well as many countries around the world. The catch of these fundamental characteristics related to social life, attitudes, aspirations and challenges in the development of this population group is very important. The SAVY (round 1 and 2) was the large and most comprehensive survey about youth in Vietnam and has provided a comprehensive picture of the young Vietnam today in aspects related to the development of youth such as education, employment, health (including, reproductive health, sexual health, HIVI/AIDS). It is expected that the national survey will be periodically conducted to monitor the SRH trend amongst different groups of young people over time.

The proposed survey is therefore very significant as it not only provides a comprehensive and accurate picture of the SRH amongst adolescent and young people, but it also generates evidence for the development and implementation of appropriate SRH policies and programs, contributing to the wellbeing of the young population in Viet Nam.

The ISMS and CCIHP will jointly conduct the survey to ensure the highest quality consultancy services in the areas of adolescent sexual and reproductive health. The rationale for two organizations to be associated in this assignment is two- fold. First, the two organizations have held a number of collaborative works in conducting middle-to-large scale surveys on reproductive health; GBV and health sector development, so that we will be able to supplement each other to provide the most competent experts to fulfill this assignment. Second, via this assignment, we can provide a systematic and holistic approach to get evidence and formulate health policy briefs for development of policy and intervention programs in adolescent reproductive and sexual health in Vietnam. In addition, we will invite one international expert, who has in-depth experience in sexual and reproductive health, to join our team. Expertise and experience from the international expert will be fully utilized when conducting the survey, i.e. development and finalization of the survey tools, analysis of the data, and editing and finalization of the report.