Initial investigation of unmet needs for the safe motherhood and contraception in effective cost analysis of the intervention model in Quang Binh province

The baseline survey of unmet need for safe motherhood / FP services has been conducted by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Quang Binh provinces. Technical assistance has been provided by the Institute of Social and Medical Studies (ISMS).

This report presents the results of a baseline survey on unmet need for safe motherhood and contraception, which was conducted by the Institute of Social and Medical Studies (ISMS) between 2013-2014 in Quang Binh Province, Vietnam. The analysis presented in this report focuses on the extent of trends, and differences of unmet needs for safe motherhood services and Family Planning among adolescents aged 15-24. The report analyzes a number of economics, social, and demographic factors, which are important for understanding behavior and use of health services among this population group.

The results show that nearly half of young people aged 15-24, especially in the 15-19 age group, have an unmet need for family planning/contraception. For adolescents who are sexually active, condoms are particularly in demand. In addition, findings show that 13.2% mothers with children less than 2 years old are between 15-19 years old. Only a small number of women aged 15-24 with children less than 2 years old had not receive antenatal care visits during pregnancy by professional staff in the past two years. However, there were more than 70% women reported they did not receive antenatal care service package under the provisions of Ministry of Health. Unmet need for these services package of women in rural, remote areas was significantly higher than that of women in urban areas.

The results provide useful information for the decision-making process for health policy and encourage the implementation of health intervention and  reproductive health programs improve  access to reproductive health care information and safe motherhood services/family planning, espciallay among young people between the ages of 15-24- the largest population group in Vietnam

This report includes recommendations to support the development of policies and interventions aimed at increasing reproductive healthcare  access and safe motherhood/FP services for the population identified as most in need. This is one of the efforts in general roadmap of  Vietnam Government, and the relevant authorities of Quang Binh province in achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), ensuring access to comprehensive reproductive health services, and contributing to the successful implementation of Action Programme of International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Vietnam.